I love my family! There are so many things I love about each person and also about all of us as a whole. One of the things I love about my family is we love traditions.
Today I am going to share just one of the many traditions we have.....FLITTERS!
To me when I think of comfort food, I think of Flitters. It was a special morning to wake up to the delicious smell of flitters frying in the morning. It is one smell that every time I smell I am brought right back to childhood and great memories.
I am not really sure where the name "flitters" came from or if someone just made it up. I can tell you how it got started though!
My Great, Great Uncle Orville's mom (Grandma Cook) baked bread. On the days she would make extra bread dough she would invite all of her grandkids over for a flitter night. She would make her bread and then the extra dough she would roll out, cut into strips and fry up for the kids to enjoy. That tradition was then passed to my Great, Great Uncle Orville and eventually made it's way to me and now, it is my turn to keep it going.
I have yet to actually make the bread that this dough is "supposed" to make but I sure do enjoy making the flitters! My husband, who had no clue until recently what flitters were, can not stand them! *GASP*
What is better than the most delicious fried bread served perfectly warm with syrup?
Yeah, I can't think of anything either!
Would you like the recipe?
Grandma Cook's Flitter's
In a small bowl combine one envelope of Active Dry Yeast with 1TBS Sugar and 1/4 cup Warm Water.
Stir until everything is dissolved then set aside to soak for 45 minutes.
In another bowl cream together:
1/4 Cup Crisco (the white paste kind)
1 1/4 Cup Water
1/2 tsp Salt
1/4 Cup Sugar
Once mixture is creamy add 4 Cups Flour and mix well.
You will now add the yeast mix to your flour mix and stir ingredients together. This may take some elbow grease, I like to just use my hands.
Cover bowl with dish towel and set aside on kitchen counter (I place mine on the stovetop). Allow to rise then pat down and repeat again (you may repeat this twice if you would like).
Store in a bigger airtight container in refrigerator overnight.
You want the container to be big because your dough will rise again in the fridge.
The next morning you will take a bit of the dough, I like a big handful, and rollout on floured surface.
Cut dough into strips
Fry in hot skillet (I add about 1/2 Cup of Crisco to the skillet).
That's it! I like to enjoy with Kayro Syrup (white corn syrup), others that are married in to my family like theirs with maple syrup (ew).
Perfect Plate of Flitters!