Liking the new look as much as I am? Want to know how I did it all? Well, ok we go.... First, I went to a Blogging Bootcamp hosted by Sarah Roe and CC Miller . They told me all of their secrets, well as many as they could get out in those three hours, and I came home and started going to the sites they talked about. First, lets start with MakinCuteBlogs and Design It! Love It! she has a TON of tutorials. Seriously, a TON! I also like TheCutestBlogontheBlock and of course google. If there was ever a question about something I didn't fully understand I just googled it. For a cute (simple) yet snazzy background I just discovered Now, before today I would have had a complete page full of sites I LOVE with those cute backgrounds. However, PatternCooler has ALL of them beat! Yes, ALL of them! I discovered PatternCooler thanks to google, it was on like page 5 I think, so worth the wait! Why...
creative: cooking, couponing, crafting and MORE!