Totally not even kidding you!
Ask and you shall receive?
As I was looking up Free Printable Labels on Pinterest tonight I clicked over to my "Following" page and saw it.
To the left. There was a little box that said something like Pinterest now has Secret Boards. Try it now! Oh my gosh! OK!
All you have to do is click on "Boards" in your profile then, scroll ALL THE WAY DOWN the page and.....
Each person is allowed 3 "Secret Boards". Just click on one of the boxes to create a Secret Board.

From there, just enter in all your info. You CAN invite people to pin to this board, just like all other boards, but remember.....they will be able to see what you pin to this board.
So why have a secret board?
Well, so I can plan parties for my family/friends without them seeing the direction I am going!
To pin gift ideas.
So people don't see all of your craziness.
While you are there, remember to follow me!